Sunday, March 29, 2009


Here is another LO I did last week that I am rather pleased with. The pictures are of my son out throwing and catching the football with his dad. I thought that the first week kits from the Design Star Competition had the perfect color palette for these pictures so I went looking through them to make my layout. Credits: Design Stars numbers 9, 12 and 55 (Sahlin Studio) competition kits at Scrap Matters, Shel Belle Scraps - Date stamp, Gunhild Storeide - Staples & Stitching, Atomic cupcake - scalloped edge and rub on action

Also be sure to stop over at the Dream Team Blog. I put up a new desktop wallpaper for April. I am also trying to decide which kit I want to use for the next quickpage exchange, so be sure to check back around April 1st and see which one it is. I would love to see more people jump into that challenge!


senovia said...

I'll bet if you use Lakeside, more people would do the quickpage exchange. But then again, it's MY favorite! lol

senovia said...

Very cute layout, btw!