Monday, February 9, 2009


I am sooo proud of my little man. Today was his birthday, and he was home from school sick. So not a good birthday. I had to go to the grocery store today so of course he had to come along. He was sooo good and really didn't ask for much at all. We did pick up his Valentines for school while we were there though. He got right to work on them after helping me put away groceries. Here is the LO I made with the pictures I took of him working on them. I just had to share this.
Credits: Fonts used - Eras Light ITC, 4 my lover and Honey Script; Glitter spatters - Gunhild Storeide; Date it Stamps - lg perspectives; Staples - Scrap Journal - LiviaY Designs; Everything else - Putting on the Glitz Collab - AWP's Vicki Parker and Charlie's Designs


Lisa said...

great use of the date stamp! love the colors in this layout!

senovia said...

Such a cute layout!!